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Gift Wrapping

Gift Wrapping by the Personal Shoppers

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LOEWE Gift Wrapping by the Personal Shoppers white

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Shop LOEWE Gift Wrapping by the Personal Shoppers white Online in US


Originally established as a collective of leather artisans in Madrid in 1846 by Enrique Loewe Roessberg, Loewe has now grown into one of our world’s leading luxury brands. Owned by the LVMH Group, with Jonathan Anderson (J.W. Anderson) as Creative Director, Loewe offers a range of lines: RTW, accessories, travel, home and lifestyle. Never foregoing quality or functionality, Loewe is a ‘go to’ favorite internationally, and with Anderson’s lead, we can see the brand moving into a quirky and attractive direction. Discover these iconic fashion pieces and more in Loewe’s Women’s clothing, Men’s clothing, bags, and more.

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